The adventures of Tom Sawyer M. Twain ; with an introd. by J. Seelye ; notes by G. Cardwell

За: Інтелектуальна відповідальність: Вид матеріалу: Текст Текст Мова: англійська Серія: Penguin classicsПублікація: New York, NY Penguin Books 2006Опис: 231pТип вмісту:
  • текст
Тип засобу:
  • прямий доступ
Тип носія:
  • аркуш
  • 9780143039563
Інша класифікація:
  • 84(7=СПО)1
Зведення: Mark Twain's hymn to the secure and fantastic world of boyhood and adventure From the famous episodes of the whitewashed fence and the ordeal in the cave to the trial of Injun Joe, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is redolent of life in the Mississippi River towns in which Twain spent his own youth. A somber undercurrent flows through the high humor and unabashed nostalgia of the novel, however, for beneath the innocence of childhood lie the inequities of adult reality—base emotions and superstitions, murder and revenge, starvation and slavery. In his illuminating introduction, noted Twain scholar John Seelye considers Twain's impact on American letters and discusses the balance between humorous escapades and serious concern that is found in much of Twain's writing.
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Mark Twain's hymn to the secure and fantastic world of boyhood and adventure From the famous episodes of the whitewashed fence and the ordeal in the cave to the trial of Injun Joe, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is redolent of life in the Mississippi River towns in which Twain spent his own youth. A somber undercurrent flows through the high humor and unabashed nostalgia of the novel, however, for beneath the innocence of childhood lie the inequities of adult reality—base emotions and superstitions, murder and revenge, starvation and slavery. In his illuminating introduction, noted Twain scholar John Seelye considers Twain's impact on American letters and discusses the balance between humorous escapades and serious concern that is found in much of Twain's writing.