Advanced grammar in use a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English with answers M. Hewings
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- 9780521614030
- 81.432.1-2я7
Тип одиниці зберігання | Поточна бібліотека | Зібрання | Стан | Штрих-код | |
Книга, брошура | Відділ документів іноземними мовами (читальний зал) | Грант Посольства США | Акт списання | ||
Книга, брошура | Відділ документів іноземними мовами (читальний зал) | Грант Посольства США | Доступно | 10055462 |
With answers and CD-ROM • Second Editon A self-study reference and practice book for advanced students of English Advanced Grammar in Use second edition covers all the areas of grammar that an advanced-level student needs. • Contains 100 units of grammar reference and practice materials • Includes additional exercises, appendices and coverage more specifically aimed at the advanced learner • Has a comprehensive Grammar Review to allow learners to check language areas they have already studied • Is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure the language is authentic and up to date • Provides ideal support for students preparing for the Cambridge English: Advanced or Cambridge English: Proficiency examinations or the IELTS examination The CD-ROM offers additional practice material covering all the language taught in the book. The CD-ROM includes: • hundreds of practice exercises for all the units in the book • practice guides for key language areas of the book • customised tests targeting specific language areas • audio recordings of all main exercises • a built-in dictionary and a link to Cambridge Dictionaries Online allowing students to look up any words they need Software developed by Clarity Language Consultants Ltd.