TY - SOUND AU - Glinka,Mikhail,комп TI - Orchestgal Works KW - ІНСТРУМЕНТАЛЬНА МУЗИКА KW - ОПЕРА KW - СИМФОНІЇ KW - КОМПАКТ-ДИСКИ N1 - Symphony on Two Russian Themes; "Jota Aragonesa": Spanish Overture № 1; "Recollection of a Summer Night in Madrid": Spanish Overture № 2; Waltz-Fantasia; Overture to the Opera "A Iife for the Tsar" ("Ivan Susanin"); IV WaIrz; Overture to the Opera "RusIan and Lyudmila"; Dances in Naina's Castle: from the Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"; Tchernomor's March: from the Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"; 12-15 р ER -