Ultimate visual dictionary

Вид матеріалу: Текст Текст Мова: англійська Публікація: New York, NY DK Publishing 2011Видання: Rev. and updated edОпис: 672p.: illТип вмісту:
  • текст
Тип засобу:
  • прямий доступ
Тип носія:
  • аркуш
  • 9780756686833
Інша класифікація:
  • 81.432.1-4я6
Електронне місцезнаходження та доступ: Зведення: What is the Big Bang theory? How was an 18th-century Ship of the Line constructed? How does a hybrid engine work? From the beginning of the Universe to the technological wonders of the modern world, DK's Ultimate Visual Dictionary gives you all the information you need about a huge variety of subjects. While other dictionaries and encyclopedias tell you about various subjects, the Ultimate Visual Dictionary shows you what you want to know. See inside a volcano or the latest jumbo jet, explore the prehistoric world, and find the answers to all kinds of questions about everything from science to art and music to sports. How are bronze statues made? The Ultimate Visual Dictionary shows you, stage by stage. How does an iPad screen work? This book explains the amazing technological processes at work. How do plants photosynthesize? Detailed illustrations reveal all. With thousands of annotated photographs and illustrations, and clear, concise text, DK's Ultimate Visual Dictionary provides knowledge, information, and insight for the whole family.
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What is the Big Bang theory? How was an 18th-century Ship of the Line constructed? How does a hybrid engine work? From the beginning of the Universe to the technological wonders of the modern world, DK's Ultimate Visual Dictionary gives you all the information you need about a huge variety of subjects. While other dictionaries and encyclopedias tell you about various subjects, the Ultimate Visual Dictionary shows you what you want to know. See inside a volcano or the latest jumbo jet, explore the prehistoric world, and find the answers to all kinds of questions about everything from science to art and music to sports. How are bronze statues made? The Ultimate Visual Dictionary shows you, stage by stage. How does an iPad screen work? This book explains the amazing technological processes at work. How do plants photosynthesize? Detailed illustrations reveal all. With thousands of annotated photographs and illustrations, and clear, concise text, DK's Ultimate Visual Dictionary provides knowledge, information, and insight for the whole family.