The rescue N. Sparks

За: Вид матеріалу: Текст Текст Мова: англійська Публікація: New York, NY; Grand Central 2005Опис: 342pТип вмісту:
  • текст
Тип засобу:
  • прямий доступ
Тип носія:
  • аркуш
  • 9780446696128
Інша класифікація:
  • 84(7=СПО)6
Електронне місцезнаходження та доступ: Зведення: Volunteer fireman Taylor McAden is driven to take terrifying, heroic risks to save lives. But there's one leap into the unknown he can't bring himself to make: He can't fall in love. A man who likes to rescue troubled women, he inevitably leaves them as soon as they want more from him. Then, one day, a record-breaking storm hits his small Southern town, and Taylor comes across a young single mother named Denise Holton in a crashed car. When she revives, Taylor finds himself looking for her missing son—and involved in a rescue different from all the others. This one will require him to open doors to his past slammed shut by pain. And with Denise's help, dare him to make the greatest commitment of all: love someone forever.
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Volunteer fireman Taylor McAden is driven to take terrifying, heroic risks to save lives. But there's one leap into the unknown he can't bring himself to make: He can't fall in love. A man who likes to rescue troubled women, he inevitably leaves them as soon as they want more from him. Then, one day, a record-breaking storm hits his small Southern town, and Taylor comes across a young single mother named Denise Holton in a crashed car. When she revives, Taylor finds himself looking for her missing son—and involved in a rescue different from all the others. This one will require him to open doors to his past slammed shut by pain. And with Denise's help, dare him to make the greatest commitment of all: love someone forever.