The great Gatsby [by F. S. Fitzgerald] K. Parkinson
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- 9780140771978
- 83.3(7=СПО)
Тип одиниці зберігання | Поточна бібліотека | Зібрання | Стан | Штрих-код | |
Книга, брошура | Відділ документів іноземними мовами (читальний зал) | Грант Посольства США | Доступно | 10057050 |
'The Jazz Age now raced along under its own power, served by great filling stations full of money', wrote Scott Fitzgerald in 1931. 'It was borrowed time anyhow ...' Kathleen Parkinson places this brilliant and bitter satire on the moral failure of the Jazz Age firmly in the context of Scott Fitzgerald's life and times. She explores the intricate patterns of the novel, its chronology, locations, imagery and use of colour, and how these contribute to a seamless interplay of social comedy and symbolic landscape. She devotes a perceptive chapter to Scott Fitzgerald's controversial portrayal of women and goes on to discuss how the central characters, Gatsby and Nick Carraway, embody and confront the dualism inherent in the American dream.