Spotlight on Literature silver level Текст

Вид матеріалу: Текст Текст Мова: англійська Публікація: New York Macmillan / McGraw-Hill 1997Опис: 746 с. ілISBN:
  • 0-02-181012-5
Тематика(и): Жанр/форма:
I am the creativity / A. de Veaux ; The Unwritten / W. S. Mervin ; Untitled / P. Neruda ; Listening to the nightingale singing / Ki Tsurayuki ; The First Flyte ; The Dream Keeper / L. Huges ; The Winter Hibiscus / Minfong Ho ; Formula / A. M. Iza ; Fantasia / E. Merriam ; The Circuit / F. Jimenez ; 'Hope' is the thing with features / E. Dickinson ; Friendship / U. Indian ; Neighbors ; J. Sherill ; Taking Leave of a Friend / Li Po ; Friend / G. Brooks ; A Crown of Wild Olive / R. Sutcliff ; Good Hot Dogs / S. Cisneros ; The Dancers / H. Foote ; A Word / E. Dickinson ; your little voice / e. e. cummings ; My Father's Song / S. Ortiz ; Fireflies / P. Fleischman ; A Day's Wait / E. Hemingway ; Checkouts / C. Rylant ; The Love Letter / J. Finley ; The Drummer Boy of Shiloh / R. Bradbury ; To You / W. Whitman ; The Kid Nobody Could Handle / K. Vonnegut ; One Time / W. Stafford ; The lands around my dwelling / K. Rasmussen ; Women / A. Walker ; Homeless / A. Quinden ; a Letter to a Child Like Me / J. Torres ; Debbie / J. Herroit ; Roads Go Ever On / J. R. R. Tolkien ; The Long Way Around / J. McCord ; Travel / E. St. V. Millay ; Uphill / C. Rosetti ; A Journey / N. Giovanni ; The Golden Candelabra ; The Gorgon's Head ; Sir Gareth
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Книга, брошура Відділ дитячого простору (сектор абонемента) 82(07) S 78 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно 10040320

Б. т.

I am the creativity / A. de Veaux ; The Unwritten / W. S. Mervin ; Untitled / P. Neruda ; Listening to the nightingale singing / Ki Tsurayuki ; The First Flyte ; The Dream Keeper / L. Huges ; The Winter Hibiscus / Minfong Ho ; Formula / A. M. Iza ; Fantasia / E. Merriam ; The Circuit / F. Jimenez ; 'Hope' is the thing with features / E. Dickinson ; Friendship / U. Indian ; Neighbors ; J. Sherill ; Taking Leave of a Friend / Li Po ; Friend / G. Brooks ; A Crown of Wild Olive / R. Sutcliff ; Good Hot Dogs / S. Cisneros ; The Dancers / H. Foote ; A Word / E. Dickinson ; your little voice / e. e. cummings ; My Father's Song / S. Ortiz ; Fireflies / P. Fleischman ; A Day's Wait / E. Hemingway ; Checkouts / C. Rylant ; The Love Letter / J. Finley ; The Drummer Boy of Shiloh / R. Bradbury ; To You / W. Whitman ; The Kid Nobody Could Handle / K. Vonnegut ; One Time / W. Stafford ; The lands around my dwelling / K. Rasmussen ; Women / A. Walker ; Homeless / A. Quinden ; a Letter to a Child Like Me / J. Torres ; Debbie / J. Herroit ; Roads Go Ever On / J. R. R. Tolkien ; The Long Way Around / J. McCord ; Travel / E. St. V. Millay ; Uphill / C. Rosetti ; A Journey / N. Giovanni ; The Golden Candelabra ; The Gorgon's Head ; Sir Gareth

12-15 р.
