The dead zone S. King

За: Вид матеріалу: Текст Текст Мова: англійська Серія: Signet fictionПублікація: New York, NY Signet 1980Опис: 402pТип вмісту:
  • текст
Тип засобу:
  • прямий доступ
Тип носія:
  • аркуш
  • 9780451155757
Інша класифікація:
  • 84(7=СПО)
Електронне місцезнаходження та доступ: Зведення: Beware the Wheel of Fortune.... Johnny, the small boy who skated at breakneck speed into an accident that for one horrifying moment plunged him into . . . the dead zone. Johnny Smith, the small-town schoolteacher who spun the wheel of fortune and won a trip into . . . the dead zone. John Smith, who awakened from a seemingly interminable coma with an accursed power: the power to see the future and the terrible fate awaiting mankind in ... the dead zone. "Powerful tension holds the reader to the story like a pin to a magnet." —The Houston Post
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Beware the Wheel of Fortune.... Johnny, the small boy who skated at breakneck speed into an accident that for one horrifying moment plunged him into . . . the dead zone. Johnny Smith, the small-town schoolteacher who spun the wheel of fortune and won a trip into . . . the dead zone. John Smith, who awakened from a seemingly interminable coma with an accursed power: the power to see the future and the terrible fate awaiting mankind in ... the dead zone. "Powerful tension holds the reader to the story like a pin to a magnet." —The Houston Post